I want to be a founder but:

PMf Strategy
1 min readSep 17, 2020

This is a 6 part series on Effective Techniques in Pitching for BD & Sales. Read the other parts here:

1). I want to be a founder but:
2). 50,000 ft., 500 ft. rule
3). It’s not Product-Market fit, it’s PMT(e)
4). 8 Rules for Founders Who Pitch
5). 3 Effective Traits of All Good BD People
6). The Difference Between BD & Sales

a). I have no problem to solve.

b). The world has this problem which I haven’t found a solution.

a). Your success depends on your skill.

b). Your success depends on your perseverance.


(This post doesn’t mean that “wantrepreneurs” can’t succeed, they just need to succeed in a different way. Put it another way, people who look for a problem/market first and then build a business succeed with a very focused, driven strategy. People who are passionate to solve a problem (either large or small) need to keep persevering on that problem, even if it means pivoting solutions, in order to succeed.)



PMf Strategy

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