3 Effective Traits of All Good BD People

PMf Strategy
4 min readJun 6, 2021

This is a 6 part series on Effective Techniques in Pitching for BD & Sales. Read the other parts here:

1). I want to be a founder but:
2). 50,000 ft., 500 ft. rule
3). It’s not Product-Market fit, it’s PMT(e)
4). 8 Rules for Founders Who Pitch
5). 3 Effective Traits of All Good BD People
6). The Difference Between BD & Sales

Recently, I was asked to describe what makes a good BD (business development) person, and I struggled with the answer. Struggled, not because I couldn’t think of anything, but struggled because I thought of too many things: intelligent, personable, smart, strong research skills, etc. So, I challenged myself to come up with three fundamental traits, and then googled what other experts named as their fundamental traits. Most people had a consensus of characteristics, perhaps just in different order and weight. Here are mine:

Strong EQ

You see many BD experts talk about EQ, which means “emotional intelligence”. It’s defined in this great HubSpot blog as “a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action."

To me, it means the ability to win the trust and friendship of potential partners. You will win more BD deals if the opposite side trusts you or befriends you. Notice that I’m intentionally separating trust and friendship there. Trust means that you should do what you say you will do. If you say you’ll follow up on something within a certain time, you need to do that. Trust equals accountability and it’s incredibly important for your partner to trust you. (In another blog post, I’ll outline how trust & accountability flows both ways and how to use that in a BD relationship). Friendship is different from trust because it means there’s likability involved. Friendship can get you that last mile to win a deal. But, keep in mind that most often trust will win more deals. You can work with someone you trust but don’t like. You can get burned by someone you like, but don’t trust.


A second important trait for effective BD people is curiosity. Business development is the task of opening new channels of revenue that weren’t there before. In exploring and creatively thinking about new things, it’s important that a BD person be curious. She should present new ideas, pitch and communicate well, and be a good listener. All these qualities I would join together to reflect someone who is intrinsically curious. This is one reason why you see great business development executives transition seamlessly from one industry to the next. Since they are typically not building the product/service itself, they don’t need to have as much technical knowledge. What they need to have is a curiosity to ask the right questions, find the pain/value points, and *aha* gain the trust of the potential partner. Often, a good BD person will learn about the product, customers, and market as they are working together with the potential partner.

I really can’t stress enough how crucial curiosity is. While there are other, more technical skills for BD (agenda setting, negotiating, research), curiosity is a softer skill that can make one BD person or partner stand out from the rest.

Killer Closing Skills

The third and final skill I would choose as essential for BD is the ability to close. This doesn’t mean just getting a contract signed. That’s sales. Closing as an effective BD person means knowing when to ask for the deal, how much to ask for, maximizing the potential for your side (it is negotiating after all) in the short and long run while building value for the other. As I outlined in another post, there is a difference between BD and Sales. In sales, I may discount way down or load up features just to get you to close (and/or, get that close on my month-end, quarter-end tallies). But in business development, I have to really consider: Is this the right time to push for an agreement? Should we explore a little bit more? If it is the right time, then flip a switch and negotiate for the best/maximum value for your side while having your partner feel like they got the most value from theirs. An average BD person walks away from a deal that will take their company years to make money from. An exceptional BD person can walk away from the same deal creating value and revenue in a much shorter time for both companies involved.

What do you think about those 3 traits? Are they be most important for you? Or would you choose different ones? Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts in the comments below.


[Thank you / 謝謝 Sophia Liao 的中文翻譯!]






許多頂尖的BD都在談論EQ,也就是『情商』。在美國知名的集客式行銷Saas服務銷售平台部落格 HubSpot blog中就提到 ”這是一種社交智商的形式 — 牽涉到了個人能夠監測自己和他人感受、情緒,並能分辨之,進而使用這項資訊去引導他人的思想和行為的能力。”

對我而言,這代表著贏得潛在合作對象的信任和能力。你/妳會因為對方的信任、或因為和你/妳交情好而拿下更多的BD 合作案。





第二個屬於優質BD人的重要特質是「好奇心」。商務開發是需要開發出能讓公司獲利,卻是從未有過& 嶄新渠道的一項任務。









就像我在其他文章中闡述的,BD和Sales是不同的角色。就像我在另一篇文章 there is a difference between BD and Sales 中提到的,若為Sales,我可能會用打折或增加產品賣點去成交客戶(去達到每月、季度的業績);但在BD的角色中,我要去認真思考:「這是去push合作的好時機嗎?」、「我們應該要再觀察一下嗎?」








PMf Strategy

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